Silhouette of a person clutching their lower back in pain, illustrated by a starburst symbol on the back to denote discomfort or injury.

Reduce knee and back injuries

Brown curved arrow pointing to the right, emphasizing direction or movement.
hvad er kneel it

What is Kneel-it?

Kneel-It is an engineer developed supportive device, designed to increase productivity, efficiency and lifequality for you and you collegues.

Kneel-it is designed to relieve strain and reduce knee and lower back injuries from kneeling work. The new addition to the “kneeling creeper” and “knee pad” market; Kneel-it outshines the competition in comfort and versatility.

Kneel-It will reduce your knee and back pain without compromising your productivity at work or your DIY projects at home.

Silhouette of a kneeling support pad designed with side straps for secure fitting, depicted in a stylized black icon.

Built-in strapless and padded knee pads for maximum comfort

knæpuder på hjul
Black icon depicting a central road splitting into three separate arrows pointing upward, symbolizing choices, flexibility, or direction.

Flexibility in movement with breaks and 13 wheels

Special technology

Theese rolling knee pads are built with special grip technology to help maintain stationary when at idle work.
Kneeling work inflicts extreme stress on the body. Kneel-It provides ergonomic support for this low posture work.

Icon of a crossed screwdriver and wrench, symbolizing tools or maintenance, in black silhouette.

100% tool free

Brown curved arrow pointing to the right, emphasizing direction or movement.
Stylized silhouette of a feather in black, with a smooth, curved design suggesting lightness and movement.

Incredibly compact and weighs only 6.27 kg

knæpuder på hjul
Stylized graphic of an elephant on a scale, where the scale is connected to a round dial via a hose, illustrating the measurement of the elephant's weight.

Carrries easily 167 kg.


3rd generation = evolution driven by user feedback!

Our customers are our most important partners.
Through lots of user feedback and testing, we are constantly developing our model so that it fits you perfectly!


Version 1.0

kneel-it version 1.0
The first version was without wheels under the seat and the knee pads



Version 2.0

kneel it version 2.0
After lots of user feedback, Kneel-it was upgraded to version 2.0 with better seat and wheels under the knee pads.



Version 3.0 (present)

At the end of 2021, version 3.0 was once again upgraded with even better knee-pad comfort and seat comfort. Furthermore, wheels have been added under the seat for better mobility.


Use Kneel-it

and prevent...

Chronic Pain in your body

Severe knee & back pain, headaches, joint & muscle aches. Treated with medications, steroids, surgery, or rest.

Decreased Productivity

Frequent breaks & delayed timelines.
Inability to easily move about the job site. Unhappy employees.

Decreased Quality of Life

Still hurts when you get home. Stops you from enjoying your life.

Recommendations from others:

Are you tired of worn back and knees when you paint?

...see how easy it is to putty at low posture

Try Kneel-it for free

Are you still wondering “what is Kneel-it and can it be used in our company?”
Our specialized tool salesmen are represented all over Denmark and have our Kneel-It  in the van. If you want to try Kneel-it at your workplace in Denmark, book a visit now! Then we will call you and arrange a day where – and when – it suits you.

Reduce joint pain

Kneel-it is ergonomic knee pad on wheels - But way better than the loose knee pads, since they do not reduce knee and joint pain in the back. Kneel-it’s seat gives you the opportunity to relieve your body at any time.

Increase your efficiency

With good padding and protection with prolonged comfort, you can work faster and longer without breaks or spend time changing postions.

Around and around we go!

Kneel-it kneepads is in principle a tiling chair,
which unlike Kneeblades makes it easy to
move safely on many surfaces. it’s easy to
kneel into and get out of, thanks to the big
kneepads and ergonomic seat.

Extremely flexible

Flexibility is just as crucial as comfort, as it affects your efficiency at work. Not having to wear built-in kneepads, provides great freedom of movement. Furthermore Kneel-it comes with 13 wheels that lets you slide across the floor with ease.

Knee Pads with wheels

In how many industries do you get knee pads with wheels that slide easily across the floor? With Kneel-It you wont have to use pants with knee or gel pads all day.

5 reasons

why you are going to love our rolling knee pad cart

and never offer your knees and lumbar anything else in the future ...